Ventilator Connection Kits动物呼吸机配件
Ventilation Connection Kit for Inspira and Model 683 Ventilators
Ventilation Connection Kit for Model 687, MicroVent, MiniVent, and MidiVent Mouse Ventilator
- Inspira Advanced Safety Ventilator, 查看 F4页 - Model 683 Small Animal Ventilator, 查看F7页 - Model 687 Mouse Ventilator, 查看F7页 - MiniVent Mouse Ventilator, 查看F8页 动物呼吸机配件应用 这些配件在生理学和药理学研究中用来连接麻醉设备和动物呼吸机或MINIVENT。每个配件包含必要的连接器和管路以便连接到麻醉呼吸机。
加压的气体移至进气口—引进呼吸机的气体会损坏整个系统和过度膨胀动物的肺,连接配件就是把引进来的气体减压到能够**传递的压力。 注意:废气里包含麻醉气体,必须和回收系统相连。
系统组件 除了必要的连接配件和消耗品外(如氧气,压缩空气,笑气,麻醉剂),必须提供下列物品和设备来操作一个完整的麻醉系统: • 麻醉机–桌面台式,可移动立式 • 挥发罐 – Tech 3, Tech 4, or Ohio
• 动物呼吸机– Inspira, Model 683, Model 687 or Minivent (based on the species you are working with) • 回收系统– Active Evacuation system, F/Air Canister, fume hood |
• For convient connection of your rodent or small animal ventilator to anesthesia equipment
• 4 sets available to work with:
- Inspira Advanced Safety Ventilator, see page F4
- Model 683 Small Animal Ventilator, see page F7
- Model 687 Mouse Ventilator, see page F7
- MiniVent Mouse Ventilator, see page F8
These connecting kits are used to connect rodent ventilators to an anesthesia machine and evacuation system. Four kits are available, one for the larger Inspira Advanced Safety Ventilator, one for the Rodent Ventilator Model 683, one for the Mouse Ventilator Model 687 and one for the Minivent for mouse ventilation.
This apparatus is intended to be used for connecting an anesthesia system to an animal ventilator or the MINIVENT in physiological and pharmacological research laboratories. Each kit contains the necessary connectors and tubing to properly connect the ventilator to the anesthesia system.
• Direct connection of anesthesia to ventilator for delivery to animal via intubation or tracheotomy (see tracheal/intubation cannulas)
• Removes pressurized gas to waste port – the introduction of pressurized gas into a ventilator will damage the system and over-inflate the animal’s lungs. The connection kits depressurize the incoming gas to atmospheric pressure for safe delivery.
NOTE: Waste gas will contain anesthetic gas and MUST be connected to an evacuation system.
Items Required
In addition to the connecting kit and the essential consumables (e.g. Oxygen, compressed air, N2O, anesthetic agent) it is necessary to provide the following items and equipment to operate a complete anesthetic system:
• Anesthesia Machine – Table Top, Vaporstick, or equivalent
• Anesthetic Vaporizer – Tech 3, Tech 4, or Ohio
• Animal Ventilator – Inspira, Model 683, Model 687 or Minivent (based on the species you are working with)
• Evacuation System – Active Evacuation system, F/Air Canister, fume hood
This apparatus is intended to be used for connecting an anesthesia system to an animal ventilator or the MINIVENT in physiological and pharmacological research laboratories. Each kit contains the necessary connectors and tubing to properly connect the ventilator to the anesthesia system.
• Direct connection of anesthesia to ventilator for delivery to animal via intubation or tracheotomy (see tracheal/intubation cannulas)
• Removes pressurized gas to waste port – the introduction of pressurized gas into a ventilator will damage the system and over-inflate the animal’s lungs. The connection kits depressurize the incoming gas to atmospheric pressure for safe delivery.
NOTE: Waste gas will contain anesthetic gas and MUST be connected to an evacuation system.
Items Required
In addition to the connecting kit and the essential consumables (e.g. Oxygen, compressed air, N2O, anesthetic agent) it is necessary to provide the following items and equipment to operate a complete anesthetic system:
• Anesthesia Machine – Table Top, Vaporstick, or equivalent
• Anesthetic Vaporizer – Tech 3, Tech 4, or Ohio
• Animal Ventilator – Inspira, Model 683, Model 687 or Minivent (based on the species you are working with)
• Evacuation System – Active Evacuation system, F/Air Canister, fume hood
Item# | Description | |
733076 | Ventilation Connection Kit for Inspira, Model 683 and Model 687 Ventilators | |
550003 | Ventilation Connection Kit for Small Animal Ventilator Model 683 | |
550004 | Ventilation Connection Kit for Mouse Ventilator Model 687 | |
733077 | Ventilation Connection Kit for MiniVent Mouse Ventilator |
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