系统可以进行饮食量、饮水量、运动量的统计,同时动物代谢分析系统可以进行尿粪分离收集,目前动物代谢分析系统广泛应用于药理学、神经学、**筛选、研发、营养学、***代谢、 转基因、老年病等领域的各种研究等。动物代谢分析系统研究需要同时进行大量动物的同 步实验
# 尿液和粪便能够被**的分离开,进入各自的收集瓶
# 代谢笼设计精巧,无死腔,空气流动非常顺畅,不会阻滞
# 相对于传统的金属和塑料制品,METABOLICA是坚硬的玻璃制品,便于观察动物
# 抗腐蚀,例如化学品和尿液
# 适于高温高压**
# 独立部件具备标准化和可换性
# 所有部件都可以单独拆卸,便于清洁
# 可以根据资金情况选配1 - 10 套系统
MM - ST 型
MM-ST特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 2 litters Dimensions: 105I.D. x 145 mm H Weight : Approx. 1 kg |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions: 240φ x 165 mm H Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Rack MM-1ST | Dimensions: 280W x 380D x 550 mm H |
Rack MM-3ST | Dimensions: 940W x 500D x 1320 mm H |
Rack MM-5ST | Dimensions: 1480W x 500D x 1320 mm H |
Rack MM-12ST | Dimensions: 1750W x 500D x 1450 mm H |
MC - ST 型
MC - ST 型是专为大鼠设计的代谢笼,应用于代谢实验。盖子是8毫米厚氯乙烯盘,带10毫米直径孔用于通风。
MC-ST 特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 6 litters Dimensions : 195 I.D. x 150 mm High Weight : Approx. 2 kg |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions : 240φ x 165 mm High Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Rack : MC-1ST | Dimensions : Approx. 350W x 520D x 1100 mm H |
Rack : MC-3ST | Dimensions : Approx. 1000W x 520D x 1610 mm H |
Rack : MC-5ST | Dimensions : Approx. 1600W x 520D x 1610 mm H |
Rack : MC-12ST | Dimensions : Approx. 1900W x 520D x 1760 mm H |
MM - AP 型
MM - AP 型是专为小鼠设计的,保持器皿气密空间(大约2升),依靠气体隔离罩与外部大气隔离。所有玻璃器件之间都采取磨口连接,即使在高度真空环境下依然不受外界影响。我们的磨口技术是目前世界*高技术,加工工艺水平很高,污染物可以很简单的**掉。
MM-AP 特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 2.3 litters Dimensions : 105 I.D. x 145 mm High Weight : Approx. 1 kg |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions : 240φ x 165 mm High Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Rack : MM-1AP | Dimensions : Approx. 280W x 380D x 550 mm H |
Rack : MM-3AP | Dimensions : Approx. 940W x 500D x 1320 mm H |
Rack : MM-5AP | Dimensions : Approx. 1480W x 500D x 1320 mm H |
Rack : MM-10AP | Dimensions : Approx. 1480W x 500D x 1450 mm H |
MC - AP 型
MC - AP 型是为大鼠设计的,用于气体吸入实验。气体扩散盖紧紧固定在代谢笼顶部,并涂以油脂,利用法兰技术,作为一般的干燥器。内部空间(6升)与外部大气完全隔离开了。
MC-AP 特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 7 litters Dimensions : 195 I.D. x 185 mm High Weight : Approx. 2 kg |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions : 240φ x 165 mm High Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Rack : MC-1AP | Dimensions : Approx. 350W x 520D x 1100 mm H |
Rack : MC-3AP | Dimensions : Approx. 1000W x 520D x 1610 mm H |
Rack : MC-5AP | Dimensions : Approx. 1600W x 520D x 1610 mm H |
Rack : MC-10AP | Dimensions : Approx. 1600W x 520D x 1760 mm H |
MM - CO2 型
Type CO2 is designed for taking out simultaneously chemical substances in extremely small quantities in the carbon dioxide exhaled from animals as well as the urine and feces, making the most of the innate advantages of METABOLICA® which can produce an enclosed living space.
The main object of the experiment is to take up the combined specimens in extremely small quantities by absorbing the whole volume of CO2 in the exhalation into the monoethanolamine solution. In this case, the CO2 gas in the air taken from the atmosphere must be canceled in advance by adsorbing through the soda lime tube.
MM-CO2 特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 2.3 litters Dimensions : 105 I.D. x 145 mm High Weight : Approx. 1 kg |
Air Pump | Dimensions : 140W x 170D x 110 mm High Weight : Approx. 2kg Power : AC100V 50/60 Hz 7.5 Watts 0.3 Amp |
Flow Meter | Flow Rate : 10-200 ml/min |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions : 240φ x 165 mm High Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Rack : MM-CO2-1 | Dimensions : Approx. 350W x 620D x 1320 mm H |
Rack : MM-CO2-3 | Dimensions : Approx. 940W x 620D x 1320 mm H |
Rack : MM-CO2-6 | Dimensions : Approx. 1750W x 620D x 1320 mm H |
MC - CO2 型
With type CO2, kinds of specimens are to be collected simultaneously, so the operation panel is set up in front of the apparatus for easy handling.
In the exhalation-absorbing cassette, a soda lime tube for adsorbing the CO2 gas in the taken air, absorbing tubes for the CO2 gas in the exhalation, empty traps, and air flow meters are accommodated in a component unit. Therefore, the apparatus is very compact and needs no extra space.
The urine and feces can be stored without being changed in quality or decomposed, for instance, by immersing each bottle into the S.S. dewar.
MC-CO2-3 特性 | |
Cage | Capacity : Approx. 7 litters Dimensions : 195 I.D. x 185 mm H Weight : Approx 2 kg |
Rack:MC-CO2-3 | Dimensions : 1000 W x 650 D x 1610 mm H Weight : Approx. 70 kg |
Air Pump | Dimensions : 140 W x 170 D x 110 mm H Weight : Approx 2 kg Power : AC 100V 50/60 Hz 7.5 Watts 0.3 Amp |
S.S. Dewar | Dimensions : 240 φ x 165 mm H Weight : Approx. 3.1 kg |
Flow Meter | Flow Rate : 50-500 ml/min |
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